Christmas Bird Count Bibliography

Hundreds of studies by scientists around the world have put CBC data to use

The data collected by Christmas Bird Count participants over the years provide a wealth of information to researchers interested in the long-term study of early winter bird populations across North America. The Bibliography below illustrates the value of the work that CBC observers do - as embraced by ornithologists and conservationists. The following list is only the beginning, as we rely on researchers to report their publications to us.

To date over 300 peer-reviewed articles have resulted from analysis done with Christmas Bird Count data. Beyond the items listed here, CBC data has been used by U.S. federal agencies as an important basis for making decisions about birds. 

We have classified the papers into categories to give a sense of what you might find when reading the paper. The categories are as follows: Community Ecology and Biogeography, Distribution, Methods, Participation, and Population Dynamics. If you find a paper that seems misclassified, please contact us at the address below.

The historical results of over 120 years of the Christmas Bird Count can be viewed by clicking on the  CBC Results on the CBC home page. 探花精选 is constantly assessing and improving the quality of the CBC database and aspires to maintain the highest data integrity possible given current ornithological thinking.

We ask that we be sent or notified of any published papers, documents, or media events that pertain to scientific findings using CBC data, so that we can update the CBC Bibliography. Please contact Cooper Farr, Manager of Community Science, with notification of your papers:

Cooper Farr
Manager of Community Science

Citation Formats

When referencing the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) database, please use one (or more if necessary) of the following three formats.

  1. For CBC data obtained directly from the CBC database through the Christmas Bird Count website, please cite using the following format:
    探花精选 (2020). The Christmas Bird Count Historical Results [Online]. Available  [your access date]
  2. For CBC data obtained from the historical printed results of the CBC as published in the periodicals "探花精选 Field Notes," "American Birds," and "Field Notes," the following is best:
    探花精选. Year. The YY Christmas Bird Count. <Am. Birds (or Aud. Field Notes or Field Notes) XX [Volume](X[Number]):aaa-bbb[page numbers] (where "XX" is Volume, 鈥淴鈥 is Number of the periodical, "YY" is the number of the Count, and 鈥渁aa鈥 and 鈥渂bb鈥 are page numbers).
    Example: 探花精选. 1993. The 94th Christmas Bird Count. Field Notes 48(4): 464-465.
  3. For CBC data obtained from annual publications of the CBC after 1998 (Vol 51 No 2 of Field Notes), the proper citation is as follows: 探花精选. Year. The YY Christmas Bird Count (American Birds XX): aaa-bbb. (YY=year; XX=volume number; aaa-bbb=page numbers). Example: 探花精选. 2004. The 104th Christmas Bird Count (American Birds 58): 122-124.

CBC Bibliography


  • Airola, D.A., S. Hampton, and T. Manolis.  2007.  Effects of West Nile Virus on sensitive species in the Lower Sacramento Valley, California:  An evaluation using Christmas Bird Counts.  Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 10: 1-22. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Aldrich, J.W., and J.S. Weske. 1978. Origin and evolution of the eastern House Finch population. Auk 95:528-536. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Alexander, W.C. 1983. Differential sex Distributions of wintering diving ducks (Athyini) in North America. Am. Birds 37:26-29. Distribution.
  • Anderson, D.W., and I.T. Anderson. 1976. Distribution and status of Brown Pelicans in the California Current. Am. Birds 30:3-12. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Andrews, R.W., and C.E. Bock. 1979. A Christmas Bird Count analysis of bluebird abundance patterns and population trends. Sialia 1:10-14. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Anon. 1950. Preliminary bibliography of articles based on Christmas Bird Counts. Aud. Field Notes 4:187. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1967. Considering the Christmas census. Aud. Field Notes 21:39-42. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1971. Winter ranges of North American birds 鈥 a project. Am. Birds 25:514. Distribution.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1971. Am. Birds 25:817. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1972. The winter range mapping project. Am. Birds 26:537-546. Distribution.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1972. On the art of estimating numbers. Am. Birds 26:706-712. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1972. Early winter range mapping project--progress report. Am. Birds 26:827. Distribution.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1976. Antique CBC experiment. Am. Birds 30:634-636. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1981. The Christmas Bird Count: constructing an "ideal model". In C.J. Ralph & J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:30-33. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1982. "Ideal model" Christmas Bird Counts: a start in 1982-83. Am. Birds 36:146-148. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S. 1983. The ideal model Christmas Bird Count: 1982-3, the experimental year. Am. Birds 37:366-368. Methods.
  • Arbib, R.S., and C.E. Bock. 1981. Appendix II. Report of working group for the revision of Christmas Bird Count procedures. In C.J. Ralph & J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:579. Methods.
  • Armstrong, E.R. and D.L.G. Noakes. 1983. Wintering biology of Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, in Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 97(4):434-438. Comm. Ecol/Biogeo.


  • Ball, S.C. 1947. Migration of Red-breasted Nuthatches in Gaspe. Ecol. Monogr. 17:501-533. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bayer, R.D., and J. Krabbe. 1984. CBC analysis: Comparison of coastal Christmas Bird Counts. Oregon Birds 10(3-4):115-125. Distribution.
  • Beedy, E. C. and E. R. Pandolfino. 2013. Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their natural history, status, and distribution. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, CA.Distribution.
  • Beddall, B.G. 1963. Range expansion of the cardinal and other birds in the northeastern states. Wilson Bull. 75:140-158. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bednarz, J.C., J.W. Dawson, and W.H. Whaley. 1988. Harris鈥 Hawk. Pp. 71-82 in R.L. Glinsk, B.G. Pendleton, M.B. Moss, et al., eds. Proceedings of the Southwest Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop, Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. Ser. No. 11, Washington, D.C. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Berry, J. 1992. A selective analysis of data from the Newburyport Christmas Bird Count. Bird Observer 20:314-322. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bildstein, K.L. 1979. Trends in the number of diurnal raptors seen on recent North and South Carolina Christmas Bird Counts. Chat 43(4):82-85. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bielefeldt, J. 1972. The relative productivity of foot and car travel on Christmas Bird Counts. Passenger Pigeon 34(4):163-166. Methods.
  • Bielefeldt, J. 1974. Patterns of Blue Jay abundance on Wisconsin Christmas Counts, 1954-1972. Passenger Pigeon 36(3):98-109. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bjorklund, C.F. 1991. Black Rosy-Finch sighting on Big Muddy CBC. Blue Jay 49(3):137. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E. 1979. Joseph Grinnell and the Christmas Bird Count. Am. Birds 33:693-694. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E. 1980. Winter bird population trends: Scientific evaluation of Christmas Bird Count data. Atlantic Naturalist 33:28-31. Methods.
  • Bock, C.E. 1982. Factors influencing winter Distribution and abundance of Townsend's Solitaire. Wilson Bull. 94:297-302. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E. 1982. Synchronous fluctuations in Christmas Bird Counts of Common Redpolls and Pinyon Jays. Auk 99:382-383. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E. 1984. Geographical correlates of abundance vs. rarity in some North American winter landbirds. Auk 101:266-273. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E. 1987. Abundance relationships of some Arizona landbirds: a matter of scale? Ecology 68(1):124-129. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E., and J.H. Bock. 1974. Geographical ecology of the Acorn Woodpecker: abundance versus diversity of resources. Am. Nat. 108:694-698. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E., J.H. Bock, and L.W. Lepthien. 1977. Abundance patterns of some bird species wintering on the Great Plains of the USA. J. Biogeogr. 4:101-110. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1972. Winter eruptions of Red-breasted Nuthatches in North America. Am. Birds 26:558-561. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1974. Winter patterns of bird species diversity and abundance in the United States and southern Canada. Am. Birds 28:556-562. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1975. Patterns of bird species diversity revealed by Christmas Counts versus Breeding Bird Surveys. West. Birds 6:95-100. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1975. A Christmas Count analysis of woodpecker abundance in the United States. Wilson Bull. 87:355-366. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. Growth of the eastern House Finch population, 1962-1971. Am. Birds 30:791-792. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. Population growth in the Cattle Egret. Auk 93:164-166. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. Changing winter Distribution and abundance of the Blue Jay, 1962-1971. Am. Midl. Nat. 96:232-236. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. A Christmas Count analysis of the Fringillidae. Bird-banding 47:264-272. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. Geographical ecology of the common species of Buteo and Parabuteo wintering in North America. Condor 78:554-557. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1976. Synchronous eruptions of boreal seed-eating birds. Am. Nat. 110:559-571. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bock, C.E., and L.W. Lepthien. 1977. Distribution and abundance of the Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica) in North America. Great Basin Nat. 35:269-272; 36:111. Distribution.
  • Bock, C.E., J.B. Mitton, and L.W. Lepthien. 1978. Winter biogeography of North American Fringillidae (Aves): a numerical analysis. Syst. Zool. 27:411-420. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and R.B. Smith. 1971. An analysis of Colorado Christmas Counts. Am. Birds 25:945-947. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and R.E. Ricklefs. 1983. Range size and local abundance of some North American songbirds: a positive correlation. Am. Nat. 122:295-299. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and T.L. Root. 1981. The Christmas Bird Count and avian ecology. In C.J. Ralph & J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:17-23. Methods.
  • Bock, C.E., and T.L. Root. 1981. Winter abundance patterns of landbirds in the United States and southern Canada. Am. Birds 35:891-897. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Bock, C.E., and R.S. Smith. 1971. An analysis of Colorado Christmas Counts. Am. Birds 25:945-947. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bonney, R.E. 1979. Wintering Peregrine Falcon populations in the eastern United States 1940-1975: a Christmas Count analysis. Am. Birds 33:695-697. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Bosakowski, T. 1986. Winter population trends of the House Finch and ecologically similar species in northeastern New Jersey. Am. Birds 40:1105-1110. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Boxall, P.C. and B.L. McFarlane. 1993. Human dimensions of Christmas Bird Counts: Implications for nonconsumptive wildlife recreation programs. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 21(4):390-396. Participation.
  • Bradley, R.A., and D.W. Bradley. 1983. Co-occurring groups of wintering birds in the lowlands of southern California. Auk 100:491-493. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brennan, L.A., and M.L. Morrison. 1991. Long-term trends of chickadee populations in western North America. Condor 93:130-137. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1957. Twenty years of Christmas Bird Censuses in Iowa - analysis and criticism. Iowa Bird Life 27:85-91. Methods.
  • Brown, W.H. 1964. Population changes in the Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawks. Iowa Bird Life 34:82-88. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1971. Winter population trends in the Red-shouldered Hawk. Am. Birds 25:813-817. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1973. Winter population trends in the Marsh, Cooper's, and Sharp-shinned Hawks. Am. Birds 27:6-7. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1975. Winter population trends in the Bald Eagle. Am. Birds 29:12-14. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1975. Population changes in the Tufted Titmouse and Black-capped Chickadee. Iowa Bird Life 45:97. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Brown, W.H. 1976. Winter population trends in the Black and Turkey Vultures. Am. Birds 30:909-912. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Browning, M.R. 1974. Comments on the winter Distribution of the Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) in North America. Am. Birds 28:865-867. Distribution.
  • Buchanan, J.B. 1988. North American Merlin populations: an analysis using Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 42:1178-1180. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Burtt, E.H. Jr. 1986. An Analysis of Physical, Physiological, and Optical Aspects of Avian Coloration with Emphasis on Wood Warblers. Ornith. Monogr. 38:1-126. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Burtt, H.E., and B.P. Burtt. 1982. Reliability of the Christmas Bird Count. Redstart 49(3):90-93. Methods.
  • Bushnell, R. and S. Davis, Sibley Birding: How Much Does Your Big Day Weigh? or Birding With a Calculator, Bird Observer, 2002; 30(2). Methods
  • Butcher, G.S. 1985. Winter population trends of seven North American raptors. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1986. Populations of Black Ducks and Mallards in winter, 1950-1983. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1986. Bird populations in winter and summer: an evaluation of the Christmas Bird Count and a comparison with the Breeding Bird Survey. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1986. Population trend analysis using the Breeding Bird Survey and the Christmas Bird Count. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1987. Populations of Bald Eagles in winter in the contiguous 48 states. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1987. Data that count. The Living Bird Quarterly 6(4):20-23. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1990. [Review of] Atlas of wintering North American birds: An analysis of Christmas Bird Count data. Wilson Bull. 102:189-191. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Butcher, G.S. 1990. 探花精选 Christmas Bird Counts, pp. 5-13 in J.R. Sauer and S. Droege, eds., Survey Designs and Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Avian Population Trends, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biol. Report 90(1). Methods.
  • Butcher, G.S., M.R. Fuller, L.S. McAllister, and P.H. Geissler. 1990. An evaluation of the Christmas Bird Count for monitoring population trends of selected species. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:129-134. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S., and J.D. Lowe. 1990. Population trends of twenty species of migratory birds as revealed by Christmas Bird Counts, 1963-87. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Butcher, G.S., and C.E. McCulloch. 1990. Influence of observer effort on the number of individual birds recorded on Christmas Bird Counts, pp. 120-129 in J.R. Sauer and S. Droege, eds., Survey Designs and Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Avian Population Trends, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biol. Report 90(1). Methods.
  • Bystrak, D. 1971. How to prepare a winter range map from Christmas Count data. Am. Birds 25:952-956. Distribution.
  • Bystrak, D., and S.R. Drennan, eds. 1975. Ten new early winter Distribution maps from Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 29:603-611. Distribution.
  • Bystrak, D., C.S. Robbins, S.R. Drennan, and R. Arbib, eds. 1974. Wintering areas of bird species potentially hazardous to aircraft. 探花精选, New York. Distribution.


  • Cade, T.J. 1967. Ecological and behavioral aspects of predation by the Northern Shrike. The Living Bird 6:43-86. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Capobianco, P. and S. Davis, Rebound on the Bayou: The Effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the Christmas Bird Counts of Louisiana and Mississippi. 探花精选. 2008. The 108th Christmas Bird Count (American Birds 62): 24-31. Pop. Dynamics
  • Cartwright, W.J. 1924. The increase of the Starling. Bird-Lore 26:323-326. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Chapman, F.M. 1900. A Christmas bird-census. Bird-Lore 2:192. Methods.
  • Clawson, R.L. 1981. Evaluation of Upland Wildlife Management Practices for Non-game Birds. Project #MO-W-013-R-34(1980)/Study XLI, MO Dept. of Conservation, 42 pp.
  • Clement, R.C. 1966. 探花精选 Christmas Bird Counts. Aud. Field Notes 20:94-95. Methods.
  • Confer, J.L., T. Kaaret, & L. Jones. 1979. Effort, location, and the Christmas Bird Count tally. Am. Birds 33:690-692. Methods.
  • Cortopassi, A.J., and L.R. Mewaldt. 1965. The circumannual Distribution of White-crowned Sparrows. Bird-banding 36:141-169. Distribution.
  • Crosbie, S. P., W. D. Koenig, K. Reisen, V. L. Kramer, L. Marcus, R. Carney, E. Pandolfino, G. M. Bolen, L. R. Crosbie, D. A. Bell, H. B. Ernest. 2008. Early impact of West Nile virus on the yellow-billed magpie (Pica nuttalli). Auk 125:542-550. Pop. Dynamics.


  • Dance, K.W. 1994. The Pileated Woodpecker in Ontario - Then, Now and Tomorrow. pp 261-268. In Ornithology in Ontario. Edited by M.K. McNicholl and J.L. Cranmer-Byng. Special Publication No. 1. Ontario Field Ornithologists. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Daniels, G.G. 1975. An inquiry into Christmas Bird Count Accipiter reports. Am. Birds 29:634-637. Methods.
  • Davis, D.E. 1937. A cycle in Northern Shrike emigrations. Auk 54:43-49. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E. 1949. Recent emigrations of Northern Shrikes. Auk 66:293. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E. 1957. The existence of cycles. Ecology 38:163-164. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E. 1960. Recent emigrations of Northern Shrikes. Auk 77:347-348. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E. 1974. Emigrations of Northern Shrikes 1959-1970. Auk 91: 821-825. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E. 1976. Endogenous rhythm of population change - an hypothesis. Research in Population Ecology 17:155-163. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, D.E., and M.L. Morrison. 1987. Changes in cyclic patterns of abundance in four avian species. Am. Birds 41:1341-1347. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, J. and L. Williams. 1964. The 1961 irruption of the Clark's Nutcracker in California. Wilson Bull. 76:10-18. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Davis, M. 2000. Christmas Bird Counting 鈥 Expect an adventure. Am. Birds 54:27-30. Participation.
  • Davis S.  The Change in Numbers of Wintering Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cuculatus) in New England.  Bird Observer 2000;28(3):164-168. Pop. Dynamics
  • Davis, S.  The Increase in Wintering Hooded Mergansers in New England: Some Statistical Inquiries.  North American Birds 2001; 55(4):495-498. Pop. Dynamics
  • Davis S.  The Newport - Westport Christmas Bird Count.  Bird Observer 1994;22(6):297-308. Methods
  • Davis S.  Winter Populations of the House Finch in New England, 1985-1989.  Bird Observer 1991;19,(3):129-132. Pop. Dynamics
  • Davis, S. and P. Capobianco, The Hooded Merganser: A Preliminary Look at Growth in Numbers in the United States as Demonstrated in the Christmas Bird Count Database. 探花精选. 2006. The 106th Christmas Bird Count (American Birds 60):27-33. Distribution
  • DeHaven, R.W. 1973. Winter population trends of the Starling in California. Am. Birds 27:836-838. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Dolbeer, R.A., and G.E. Bernhardt. 1986. Early-winter population trends of gulls on western Lake Erie, 1950-1984. Am. Birds 40:1097-1102. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Donahue, M. 1993. A Christmas crossroads of birds and birders. Ill. 探花精选 246:2-8.
  • Drennan, S.R. 1981. The Christmas Bird Count: an overlooked and underused sample. In C.J. Ralph & J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:24-29. Methods.
  • Duncan, C.D. 1996. Changes in the winter abundance of Sharp-shinned Hawks in New England. J. Field Ornith. 67:254-262. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Dunn, E.H. 1986. Feeder counts and winter bird population trends. Am. Birds 40:61-66. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Dunn, E.H. 1995. Bias in Christmas Bird Counts for species that visit feeders. Wilson Bull. 107:122-130. Methods.
  • Dunn, E.H., and J.R. Sauer. 1997. Monitoring Canadian bird populations with winter counts, pp. 49-55 in E.H. Dunn, M.D. Cadman, and J.B. Falls, eds., Monitoring Bird Populations: The Canadian Experience. Canadian Wildlife Service, Occasional Paper 95. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Dunning, J.B., and J.H. Brown. 1982. Summer rainfall and winter sparrow densities: a test of the food limitation hypothesis. Auk 99:123-129. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.


  • Edgell, M.C.R. 1984. Trans-hemispheric movements of holarctic Anatidae: the Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope L.) in North America. J. Biogeogr. 11:27-39. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Elliot, J.J., and R.S. Arbib Jr. 1953. Origin and status of the House Finch in eastern North America. Auk 70:31-37. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Elliott, K. 2006. Declining Numbers of Western Screech-Owl in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. British Columbia Birds. 14:2-11. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Elliott, K. H., Elliott, J. E., Wilson, L. K., Jones, I. and Stenerson, K. (2011), Density-dependence in the survival and reproduction of Bald Eagles: Linkages to Chum Salmon. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 75: 1688鈥1699. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.233 Pop. Dynamics.
  • Enderson, J.H. 1960. A population study of the sparrow hawk in east-central Illinois. Wilson Bull. 72:222-231. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Enderson, J.H. 1965. A breeding and migratory survey of the Peregrine Falcon. Wilson Bull. 77:327-339. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Erskine, A.J. 1993. Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis, status and movements in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Can. Field-Nat. 107(1):46-52. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Falk, L.L. 1978. Woodpeckers on Middle Atlantic Region Christmas Counts. Delmarva Ornith. 13(1&2):33-54. Distribution.
  • Falk, L.L. 1979. An examination of observers' weather sensitivity in Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 33:688-689. Methods.
  • Falk, L.L. 1987. Christmas Bird Counts of the Delmarva Peninsula. Delmarva Ornith. 20:56-63. Distribution.
  • Farnsworth, A. 2002. WatchList species as viewed through the Christmas Bird Count database. Am. Birds 56:29-31. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Fazio, V.W., and J.F. Wing. 1984. Validity and reliability of selected Ohio Christmas Bird Counts. Ohio J. Sci. 84(2):1 (abstract). Methods.
  • Ferner, J.W. 1977. The 探花精选 Christmas Count: A valuable teaching resource. Am. Biol. Teacher 39(9): 533-535, 544. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Ferner, J.W. 1984. The 探花精选 Christmas Count as a method of monitoring nongame bird populations, pp. 332-341 in W.C. McComb, ed., Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Nongame Species and Ecological Communities, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Forsythe, D.M. 1972. Ring-billed and Herring Gull recoveries from South Carolina. J. Field Ornith. 43:276-281. Distribution.
  • Foy, Bernard R., Evidence for Decline in Wintering Dark-eyed Junco (Junco Hyemalis) in New Mexico, New Mexico Ornithological Society Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2012. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Freedman, B., and J.L. Riley. 1980. Population trends of various species of birds wintering in southern Ontario. Ont. Field Biol. 34:49-79. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Fuller, M.R., and J.A. Mosher. 1981. Methods of detecting and counting raptors: a review. In C.J. Ralph and J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:235-246. Methods.


  • Gammon, D.E. and B.A. Maurer. 2002. Evidence for non-uniform dispersal in the biological invasions of two naturalised North American bird species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11(2):155-161. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Ganier, A.F. 1938. Relative abundance of winter birds at Nashville. Migrant 9:89-93. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Garrison, B.A. 1990. Trends in winter abundance and Distribution of Ferruginous Hawks in California. Trans. West. Sect. Wildl. Soc. 26:51-56. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Garrison, B.A. 1993. Distribution and trends in abundance of Rough-legged Hawks wintering in California. J. Field Ornith. 64:566-574. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Graber, R.R., and J.S. Golden. 1960. Hawks and owls: population trends from Illinois Christmas Counts. Ill. Natl. Hist. Survey, Biol. Note 41. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Goodrich, L. J., and S.E. Senner. 1988. Recent trends of wintering great horned owls (Bubo virginianus), red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and two of their avian prey in Pennsylvania. J. Pa. Acad. Sci. 62(3):131-137. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Grinnell, J. 1922. The role of the 鈥渁ccidental.鈥 Auk 39:373-380. Distribution.
  • Grinnell, J. 1937. The designation of birds鈥 ranges. Auk 44:322-324. Distribution.


  • Haas, F.C. 1987. Recent range expansion and population increase of the Red-bellied Woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus (Linnaeus) in Pennsylvania. Pa. Birds 1:107. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hagan, J.M. III. 1993. Decline of the Rufous-sided Towhee in the eastern United States. Auk 110:863-874. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hall, G.A., H.L. Gibbs, P.R. Grant, L.W. Botsford, and G.S. Butcher. 1988. Effects of the El Nino southern oscillation on terrestrial birds. Acta XIXth Congr. Intl. Ornithol. II:1759-1775. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hamilton, T.R. 1992. House Finch winter range expansion as documented by Christmas Bird Counts, 1950-1990. Indiana Aud. Q. 70(3):147-153. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hampton, S., 2012.  Creating an index to analyze Christmas Bird Count data:  An application to West Nile Virus at Putah Creek, California.  American Birds 66: 16-23. Methods.
  • Haney, J.C. 1983. The use of reference species as a technique in evaluating Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 37:363-364. Methods.
  • Hanson, W.C. 1971. The 1966-67 Snowy Owl incursion in southeastern Washington and the Pacific Northwest. Condor 73:114-116. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Harding, J. 1988. Christmas Bird Count compilation made easy: A simple microcomputer spreadsheet. Oregon Birds 14(1):73-75. Methods.
  • Harris, W.C. 1993. Saskatchewan Christmas Mammal Count 鈥 1992. Blue Jay 51(1):52-59. Other species.
  • Hendricks, P., and J.E. Swenson. 1983. Dynamics of the winter Distribution of Rosy Finches, Leucosticte arctoa, in Montana. Can. Field Nat. 97:307-310. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hess, P. 1992. Red-bellied Woodpecker: 1990 Christmas Bird Count update. Pa. Birds 6(3):106. Distribution.
  • Hickey, J.J. 1955. Letter to the editor. Wilson Bull. 67:144-145. Methods.
  • Hicks, L.E., and F.B. Chapman. 1933. A statistical survey of Ohio winter bird life. Ohio J. Sci. 33:135-150. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Hochachka, W.M., and A.A. Dhondt. 2000. Density-dependent decline of host abundance resulting from a new infectious disease. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 97: Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hochachka, W.M., and S.T. Kelling. 2000. Participating in the Christmas Bird Count . . . every day of the year. Am. Birds 54:31-33. Methods.
  • Holroyd, G.L. 2000. A pebble of a Christmas Bird Count. Am. Birds 54:24-26. Participation.
  • Holt, R. D., L. W. Burger, Jr., B. D. Leopold, and K. D. Godwin, 2012. Annual variation in northern bobwhite survival and raptor migration. Proceedings of the National Bobwhite Symposium 7:265-270. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Horak, G.C., and A.T. Cringan. 1986. Christmas Bird Count trends in a rapidly growing community in northern Colorado. Pp. 21-30 in K. Stenberg and W.W. Shaw, eds., Wildlife Conservation and New Residential Developments. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hurlbert, A. H., and J. P. Haskell. 2003. The Effect of Energy and Seasonality on Avian Species Richness and Community Composition. Am. Naturalist 161(1): 83-97. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Hussell, D.J.T., and C.J. Risley. 1978. Monitoring bird populations by migration sampling. Long Point Bird Obs., Port Rowan, Ont. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Hyman, J., and S. Pruett-Jones. 1995. Natural History of the Monk Parakeet in Hyde Park, Chicago. Wilson Bull 107(3):510-517. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.


  • James, D. 1959. The changing seasons: a summary of the winter season. Aud. Field Notes 13:268-274. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, D. 1960. The changing seasons. Aud. Field Notes 14:284-289. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, D. 1961. The changing seasons. Aud. Field Notes 15:306-308. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, D. 1962. The changing seasons. Aud. Field Notes 16:306-311. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, D. 1963. The changing seasons. Aud. Field Notes 17:302-303. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, D. 1964. The changing seasons. Aud. Field Notes 18:332-333. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, P.C., and T.J. Ethier. 1989. Trends in the winter Distribution and abundance of Burrowing Owls in North America. Am. Birds 43:1224-1225. Pop. Dynamics.
  • James, P.C., A.R. Smith, L.W. Oliphant, and I.G. Warkentin. 1987. Northward expansion of the wintering range of Richardson鈥檚 Merlin. J. Field Ornith. 58:112-117. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Jobanek, G.A. 1993. The European Starling in Oregon. Oregon Birds 19(4):93-96. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Johnsgard, P.A. 1961. Wintering Distribution changes in Mallards and Black Ducks. Am. Midl. Nat. 66:477-484. Distribution.
  • Johnsgard, P.A. 1967. Sympatry changes and hybridization incidence in Mallards and Black Ducks. Am. Midl. Nat. 77:51-63. Distribution.
  • Johnsgard, P.A., and R. DiSilvestro. 1976. Seventy-five years of changes in Mallard-Black Duck ratios in eastern North America. Am. Birds 30:905-908. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Johnson, A. 1992. An incredibly late Least Flycatcher. Iowa Bird Life 62(2):59-61. Distribution.
  • Johnson, D.H. 1981. Summarizing remarks: estimating relative abundance (Part I). In C.J. Ralph and J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:58-59. Methods.


  • Kadlec, J.A., and W.H. Drury, Jr. 1968. Structure of the New England Herring Gull population. Ecology 49:644-676. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Kaufman, K. 1998. And a partridge in a pear tree. 探花精选 100(6):94-100. Participation.
  • Kaufman, K. 2000. One hundred years and counting. Am. Birds 54:16-18. Participation. (reprint of previous citation)
  • Kenaga, E.E. 1965. Are birds increasing in numbers? Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 11:81-83. Reprinted Aud. Field Notes 20:47-49 (1966). Pop. Dynamics.
  • Kendeigh, S.C. 1937. Factors affecting yearly abundance of passerine birds. Ecol. Monograph 7:91-123. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Kennard, J.H. 1977. Biennial rhythm in Purple Finch migration. Bird-banding 48:155-157. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Kerlinger, P., M.R. Lein, and B.J. Sevick. 1985. Distribution and population fluctuations of wintering Snowy Owls (Nyctea scandiaca) in North America. Can. J. Zoology 1829-1834. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Kerlinger, P., and M.R. Lein. 1988. Population ecology of Snowy Owls during winter on the Great Plains of North America. Condor 90:866-874. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Koenig, D. 1975. Winter hawk population trends in Iowa - Part I. Iowa Bird Life 45:42-48. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Koenig, D. 1975. Winter hawk population trends in Iowa - Part II. Iowa Bird Life 45:67-78. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Koenig, D. 1977. Winter population trends of woodpeckers in Iowa. Iowa Bird Life 47:75-92. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Koenig, D. 1979. Comparative abundance of Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers in Iowa. Iowa Bird Life 49:90. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Koenig, W.D. 1998. Spatial autocorrelation in California landbirds. Cons. Biol. 12:612-620. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Koenig, W. D. 1998. Spatial autocorrelation in California land birds. Conservation Biology 12: 612-620. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Koenig, W. D. and J. Haydock. 1999. Oaks, acorns, and the geographical ecology of the acorn woodpecker. Journal of Biogeography 26: 159-165. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Koenig, W. D. and J. M. H. Knops. 2001. Seed-crop size and eruptions of North American boreal seed-eating birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 70: 609-620. Pop. Dynamics
  • Koenig, W. D. 2001. Synchrony and periodicity of eruptions by boreal seed-eating birds. Condor 103: 725-735. Pop. Dynamics
  • Koenig, W. D. 2001. Spatial autocorrelation and local disappearances in wintering North American birds. Ecology 82: 2636-2644. Pop. Dynamics
  • Koenig, W. D. 2003. European starlings and their effect on native cavity-nesting birds. Conservation Biology 17: 1134-1140. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Koenig, W. D. and A. M. Liebhold. 2005. Effects of periodical cicada emergences on abundance and synchrony of avian populations. Ecology 86: 1873-1882. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Kricher, J.C. 1981. Range expansion of the Tufted Titmouse (Parus bicolor) in Massachusetts. Am. Birds 35:750-753. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Kricher, J.C. 1983. Correlation between House Finch increase and House Sparrow decline. Am. Birds 37:358-360. Pop. Dynamics.


  • Lacy, Anne E., Jeb A. Barzen, Dorn M. Moore, Kristin E. Norris. 2015. Changes in the number and distribution of Greater Sandhill Cranes in the Eastern Population. Journal of Field Ornithology 86 (4):317-325.  Population Dynamics.

  • Lacey R., and C.E. Bock. The correlation between range size and local abundance of some North American birds. Ecology 67: Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Larson, D. 1980. Increase in the White-tailed Kite populations of California and Texas--1944-1978. Am. Birds 34:689-690. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Larson, D.L., and C.E. Bock. 1986. Eruptions of some North American boreal seed-eating birds, 1901-1980. Ibis 128:137-140. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Larson, S.E. 1982. Winter population trends in the Cattle Egret. Am. Birds 36:354-357. Pop. Dynamics.
  • La Sorte, F.A., Lee, T.M., Wilman, H., and Jetz, W. (2009) Disparities between observed and predicted impacts of climate change on winter bird assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276, 3167-3174.Climate Change.
  • La Sorte, F.A., and Thompson, F.R., III. (2007) Poleward shifts in winter ranges of North American birds. Ecology, 88, 1803-1812. Climate Change.
  • Laurance, W.F., and E. Yensen. 1985. Rainfall and winter sparrow densities: a view from the northern Great Basin. Auk 102:152-158. Pop. Dynamics.
  • LeBaron, G.S. 1999. Invasions, irruptions, and trends: The Christmas Bird Count database. N. Am. Birds 53:217-219. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Leck, C.F. 1986. Population changes in recent New Jersey Christmas Counts. N.J. Aud. Soc. Records N.J. Birds 12(2):18-19. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Lee, D.S. 1987. First record of Wilson's Storm-Petrels on a Christmas Bird Count. Am. Birds 41:1331-1333. Distribution.
  • Legg, R.G., and P.J. Frye. 1981. Effect of effort and environmental variables on Christmas Bird Count outcomes in Iowa. Iowa Bird Life 51:43-49. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Lehman, P.E. 1994 [updated annually through 2016]. The Birds of Santa Barbara County, California. UCSB Vertebrate Museum, Santa Barbara. Annual updates through 2016 posted at:  .  Distribution.
  • Lepthien, L.W., and C.E. Bock. 1976. Winter abundance patterns of North American kinglets. Wilson Bull. 88:483-485. Distribution.
  • Link, W.A., and J.R. Sauer. 1999a. On the importance of controlling for effort in analysis of count survey data: Modeling population change from Christmas Bird Count data. Vogelwelt 120, Suppl. 1:15-20. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Link, W.A., and J.R. Sauer. 1999b. Controlling for varying effort in count surveys 鈥 an analysis of Christmas Bird Count data. J. Agric., Biol., and Environ. Statistics 4:116-125. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Link, W. A., J.R. Sauer, and D.K. Niven. Combining Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count Data to Evaluate Seasonal Components of Population Change in Northern Bobwhite. Journal Wildl. Mngmt. 72(1):44-51. Methods
  • Locey, Kenneth J. & Ethan P. White, How species richness and total abundance constrain the distribution of abundance. Ecology Letters (2013) 16: 1177鈥1185. Distribution.
  • Long, M. 1993. Keeping watch: Loggerhead Shrikes. Wrentit, September, p. 3. Pop. Dynamics.


  • Mark, D.M. 1981. Thayer's Gulls from western Christmas Bird Counts: a cautionary note. Am. Birds 35:898-900. Methods.
  • Marvin, P.H. 1964. Birds on the rise. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 10:194-196. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Marzluff, J.M., R.B. Boone, and G.W. Cox. 1994. Historical changes in populations and perceptions of native pest bird species in the West. Studies Avian Biol. 15:202-220. Pop. Dynamics.
  • McCrimmon, D.A., S.T. Fryska, J.C. Ogden, and G.S. Butcher. 1997. Nonlinear population dynamics of six species of Florida Ciconiiformes assessed by Christmas Bird Counts. Ecol. Appl. 7:581-592. Pop. Dynamics.
  • McEneaney. 2002. Yellowstone National Park: A look at an individual count circle. Am. Birds 56:22-23. Distribution.
  • McKay, B.D., D.G. Smith, and N.S. Proctor. 1983. Christmas counts of owls in Connecticut. Conn. Warbler 3:45-50. Pop. Dynamics.
  • McKay, K.J., J.W. Stravers, P.C. Petersen, C.J. Kohrt, J.S. Lundh, and G.V. Swenson. 2001. Eastcentral Iowa and Northwestern Illinois nocturnal and diurnal raptor population trends: Forty years of Christmas Bird Count data, pp. 181-193 in Bildstein and Klem, eds., Hawkwatching in the Americas. Pop. Dynamics.
  • McKay, K.J., J.W. Stravers, P.C. Petersen, C.J. Kohrt, J.S. Lundh, and G.V. Swenson. 2002. Long-term trends of raptors on CBCs in the Midwest. Am. Birds 56:15-21. Pop. Dynamics. (reprint of previous citation)
  • McKenzie, P.M., P.J. Zwank, and E.B. Moser. 1988. Mottled Duck population trends based on analyses of Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 42:512-516. Pop. Dynamics.
  • McNair, D.B. 1987. Status and distribution of the Fish Crow in the Carolinas and Georgia. Oriole 52:28-45. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Meehan, T. D., W. Jetz, and J. H. Brown. 2004. Energetic Determinants of Abundance in Winter Landbird Communities. Ecology Letters 7: 532-537. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Middleton, A.L.A. 1977. Increase in overwintering by American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) in Ontario. Can. Field-Nat. 91:165-172. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Monahan, W. B. and W. D. Koenig. 2006. Potential effects of SOD on the oak woodland bird community of coastal California. Pp. 195-209 in Proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Second Science Symposium: the State of Our Knowledge. (S. J. Frankel, P. J. Shea, and M. I. Haverty, Technical coordinators). Pacific SW Forest & Range Exp. Station Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-196. Pop. Dynamics
  • Monahan, W. B. and W. D. Koenig. 2006. Estimating the effects of sudden oak death on oak-dependent birds. Biological Conservation 127: 146-157. Pop. Dynamics
  • Montevecchi, W.A., D.K. Cairns, A.E. Burger, R.D. Elliott, and J. Wells. 1987. The status of the Common Black-headed Gull in Newfoundland and Labrador. Am. Birds 41:197-203. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Morrison, M.L. 1981. Population trends of the Loggerhead Shrike in the United States. Am. Birds 754-757. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Morrison, M.L., and S.W. Morrison. 1983. Population trends of woodpeckers in the Pacific coast region of the United States. Am. Birds 37:361-363. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Morrison, M.L., and R.D. Slack. 1977. Population trends and status of the Olivaceous Cormorant. Am. Birds 31:954-959. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Mundinger, P.C., and S. Hope. 1982. Expansion of the winter range of the House Finch: 1947-1979. Am. Birds 36:347-353. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Murthy, A. C., T. S. Fristoe, and J. R. Burger. 2016. Homogenizing effects of cities on North American winter bird diversity.  Ecosphere 7(1):e01216. 10.1002/ecs2.1216.  Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.


  • Neidermeyer, W.J., and J.J. Hickey. 1977. The Monk Parakeet in the United States, 1970-1975. Am. Birds 31:273-278. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Newbold T, Butchart SHM, S赂ekerciog藰 lu C赂H, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW (2012) Mapping Functional Traits: Comparing Abundance and Presence-Absence Estimates at Large Spatial Scales. PLoS ONE 7(8): e44019. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044019 Methods.
  • Nichols, J.T. 1937. Numbers of certain Long Island waterfowl from Bird-Lore's Christmas Census. Bird-Lore 39:431-433. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Niles, D.M. 1977. Effects of weather on the censusing accuracy of Delmarva Area Christmas Bird Counts. Delmarva Ornith. 12(2):38-43. Methods.


  • Odum, E.P. 1950. Review of the 50th Christmas Bird Count. Wilson Bull. 62:227. Methods.


  • Pandolfino, E. R. 2006. Christmas Bird Counts reveal wintering bird status and trends in California鈥檚 Central Valley. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 9:21-36. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E.R. 2007. Review of the 107th Christmas Bird Count in the Central Valley of California: December 2006-January 2007. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 10:53-59.Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E.R. 2008. Population trends of the Loggerhead Shrike in California: Possible impact of the West Nile Virus in the Central Valley. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin. 11:37-44.Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E.R. 2008. Review of the 108th Christmas Bird Count in the Central Valley of California: December 2006-January 2007. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 11:53-61.Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino. E. R. 2012. Increase in abundance of wintering swallows in California's Central Valley. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 15:29-40.Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E. R. 2013. Lack of recovery of the Yellow-billed Magpie from the West Nile virus in California鈥檚 Central Valley. Western Birds 44:143-147.Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E.R., B. E. Deuel, and L. Young. 2009. Colonization of the California鈥檚 Central Valley by the Great-tailed Grackle. Central Valley Bird Club Bulletin 12:77-95. Distribution.
  • Pandolfino, E.R. and J.W. Helmericks 2005. Changes in Winter Abundance of the Ruddy Turnstone Along the Coast of California. Western Birds 36:121-130. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pandolfino, E.R., J. Kwolek, and K. Kreitinger 2006. Expansion of the Breeding Range of the Hooded Merganser within California. Western Birds 37:228-236. Distribution.
  • Pandolfino, E.R. and K. Suedkamp Wells 2009. Changes in the winter distribution of the Rough-legged Hawk in North America. Western Birds 40:210-224. Pop Dynamics.
  • Paprocki, Neil, Julie A. Heath, Stephen J. Novak..  January 22, 2014  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086814. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Parker, M. 1973. Influx of Pine Grosbeaks into southern Ontario and adjacent New York state, December 1971. Am. Birds 27:839. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pashley, D.N., and R.P. Martin. 1988. The contribution of Christmas Bird Counts to knowledge of the winter Distribution of migrant warblers in the Neotropics. Am. Birds 42:1164-1176. Distribution.
  • Perkins, E.H. 1914. Some results of Bird-Lore's Christmas Bird Censuses. Bird-Lore 16:13-18. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Peterjohn, B. Reflections on the historic, current, and future analyses of Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 54:19-23. Methods.
  • Petersen, A. 1983. Vetrarlagi: Saga og arangur (Icelandic with English summary). Bliki 2:28-42.
  • Peterson, A.P. 1995. Erroneous party-hour data and a proposed method of correcting observer effort in Christmas Bird Counts. J. Field Ornith. 66:385-390. Methods.
  • Pierson, T.A. 1977. Bluebird numbers in Virginia as determined from Christmas Bird Counts, 1945-1975. Raven 48(4):75-76. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Plaza, P.D. 1978. Distribution of selected North American picids determined by computer mapping. Am. Birds 32:912-922. Distribution.
  • Pranty, B. 2002. The use of Christmas Bird Count data to monitor populations of exotic birds. Am. Birds 56:24-28. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Preston, F.W. 1958. Analysis of the 探花精选 Christmas Counts in terms of the lognormal curve. Ecology 39:620-624. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Preston, F.W. 1980. Noncanonical Distributions of commonness and rarity. Ecology 61:88-97. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Pruett-Jones, S., C. W. Appelt, A. Sarfaty, B. V. Vossen, M. A. Leibold, and E. S. Minor. 2012. Urban parakeets in northern Illinois: a 40-year perspective. Urban Ecosystems 15:709-719. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Pruett-Jones, S.G., M. Pruett-Jones, and R.L. Knight. 1980. The White-tailed Kite in North and Middle America: current status and recent population changes. Am. Birds 34:682-688. Pop. Dynamics.


  • Raynor, G.S. 1975. Techniques for evaluating and analyzing Christmas Bird Count data. Am. Birds 29:626-633. Methods.
  • Raynor, G.S. 1980. Bobwhite population changes on Long Island, New York, 1959-1978. Am. Birds 34:691-694. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Renaud, W.E., and G.J. Wapple. 1977. A review of Saskatchewan Christmas Bird Counts: 1942-1976 (Part 1). Blue Jay 35:224-239. Distribution.
  • Renaud, W.E., and G.J. Wapple. 1978. Errata and addenda: Saskatchewan Christmas Bird Counts: A 35-year review (Part 1). Blue Jay 36:121. Distribution.
  • Rich, T. 1991. Winter birding in the Badlands. North Dakota Outdoors 53(7): 18-21. Distribution.
  • Ripley, S.D. 1960. Hunting the wren. Peabody Mus. Natl. Hist. (Yale) Ann Report. Methods.
  • Robbins, C.S. 1970. Winter bird survey technique tested in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 26:11-20. Methods.
  • Robbins, C.S. 1978. Census techniques for forest birds, pp.142-163 in Proc. Workshop: Management of Southern Forests for Nongame Birds, Atlanta, Ga., Forest Service Tech. Report SE-14, U.S. Dept. Agric. Methods.
  • Robbins, C.S., and D. Bystrak. 1974. The winter bird survey of central Maryland, USA. Acta Ornith. 14:254-271. Methods.
  • Robinson, L. 1983. "Antique" Christmas Bird Counts: gone but not forgotten. Am. Birds 37:365. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Root, T.L. 1982. Comparison of results of Distribution and abundance data for some North American winter birds. M.A. Thesis, U. of Colorado. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Root, T.L. 1988. Energy constraints on avian Distributions and abundances. Ecology 69(2):330-339. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Root, T.L. 1988. Environmental factors associated with avian Distributional boundaries. J. Biogeogr. 15:489-505. Distribution.
  • Root, T.L. 1988. Atlas of Wintering North American Birds: An Analysis of Christmas Bird Count Data. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. Distribution.
  • Root, T.L., M.A. Holmgren, and R.W. Andrews. 1981. The winter abundance patterns of some songbirds near the 100th meridian of the southern United States. Southwest. Nat. 26:95-100. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.
  • Root, T.L., and J.D. Weckstein. 1994. Changes in Distribution patterns of select wintering North American birds from 1901 to 1989. Studies Avian Biol. 15:191-201. Distribution.
  • Rosahn, J.W. 1980. Bobwhite populations--a 10-year study. Am. Birds 34:695-697. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Rybicki, N.B., and J. M. Landwehr. 20007. . ASLO: Limnology and Oceanography 52(3):1195-1207. Comm. Ecol./Biogeogr.


  • Sauer, J.R., and W.A. Link. 2002. Using Christmas Bird Count data in analysis of population change. Am. Birds 56:10-14. Methods.
  • Sauer, J.R.,W. A. Link, W. L. Kendall, J.R. Kelley, and D.K. Niven. A Hierarchical Model for Estimating Change in American Woodcock Populations. Journal Wildl. Mngmt. 72(1):204-214 Methods
  • Scanlon, P.F., T.G. O'Brien, and A.R. Tipton. 1979. The potential of Christmas Bird Counts for monitoring presence of exotic bird species. Proc. Ann. Conf. S.E. Ass. Fish Wildl. Agencies 31:272-275. Distribution.
  • Schrieber, R.W. 1981. Summarizing remarks: Estimating relative abundance (Part 1). In C.J. Ralph & J.M. Scott, eds., Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Studies Avian Biol. 6:60. Methods.
  • Schreiber, R.W., and P.J. Mock. 1987. Christmas Bird Counts as indices of the population status of Brown Pelicans and three gull species in Florida. Am. Birds 41:1334-1339. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Schreiber, R.W., and E.A. Schreiber. 1973. Florida's Brown Pelican population: Christmas Bird Count analyses. Am. Birds 27:711-715. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Shane, T.G. 1996. The Lark Bunting: In peril or making progress? C.F.O. Journal 30:162-168. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Shane, T.G., and S.S. Seltman. 1995. The historical development of wintering Lark Bunting populations north of the thirty seventh parallel in Colorado and Kansas. Kansas Ornith. Soc. Bull. 46:36-39. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Smith, D.G., and D.H. Ellis. 1989. Snowy Owl. Pp. 97-105 in B.G. Pendleton, ed., Proceedings Northeast Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed. Sci. Tech. Series No. 13, Washington, D.C. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Smith, D.G., and R.L. Knight. 1981. Winter population trends of raptors in Washington from Christmas Bird Counts. Wa. St. Dept. of Game, Olympia, Wa. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Smith, D.G., and B. McKay. 1984. The effects of weather and effort on Christmas Bird Counts of owls in Connecticut. Am. Birds 38:383-387. Methods.
  • Smith, K.G. 1979. The effect of weather, people, and time on 12 Christmas Bird Counts, 1954-1973. Am. Birds 33:698-702. Methods.
  • Smith, K.G. 1986. Winter population dynamics of Blue Jays, Red-headed Woodpeckers, and Northern Mockingbirds in the Ozarks. Am. Midl. Nat. 115:52-62. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Smith, K.G. 1986. Winter population dynamics of three species of mast-eating birds in the Eastern United States. Wilson Bull. 98(3):407-418. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Smith, K.G., and T. Scarlett. 1987. Mast population and winter populations of red-headed woodpeckers and blue jays. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:459-467. Pop. Dynamics.
  • South, J.M., and S. Pruett-Jones. Patterns of Flock Size, Diet, and Vigilance of Naturalized Monk Parakeets in Hyde Park, Chicago. 2000. The Condor: 102:848-854 Pop. Dynamics.
  • Sprandel, G.R. 1993. Winter Shorebird Survey Field Techniques Manual. Unpublished Report, Bureau of Nongame Wildlife, Division of Wildlife, Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, Tallahassee FL. Methods.
  • Sprandel, G.R. 1997. Wilson鈥檚 Plover. Pp. 497-506 in J.A. Rodgers Jr., H.W. Kale II, and H.T. Smith, eds., Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida. Volume V. Birds. University Press of Florida, Gainesville FL. Distribution.
  • Sprandel, G.R., J. Gore, and D. Cobb. 1996. Winter Shorebird Survey. Final Report to Bureau of Nongame Wildlife, Division of Wildlife, Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, Tallahassee FL. Distribution.
  • Stahlecker, D.W. 1975. Trends in wintering diurnal raptor populations from central Colorado Christmas Bird Counts. Am. Birds 29:936-940. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Stapanian, M.A., C.C. Smith, and E.J. Finck. 1994. Population variabilities of bird guilds in Kansas during fall and winter: Weekly censuses versus Christmas Bird Counts. Condor 96(1):58-69. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Stelfox, H.A., P.C. Boxall, J.R. Butler, and G.T. Hvenegaard. 1990. Participant backgrounds and views from the 1988 Edmonton and Calgary Christmas Bird Counts. Alberta Nat. 20(3):93-102. Participation.
  • Stewart, P.A. 1954. The value of the Christmas Bird Counts. Wilson Bull. 66:184-195. Methods.
  • Stewart, P.A. 1969. Movements, population fluctuations, and mortality among Great Horned Owls. Wilson Bull. 81:155-162. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Stewart, P.A. 1980. Population trends of Barn Owls in North America. Am. Birds 34:698-700. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Stiles, E.W. 1982. Expansions of Mockingbird and Multiflora Rose in the northeastern United States and Canada. Am. Birds 36:358-364. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Streiffert, K. 2000. And still counting. Am. Birds 54:14-15. Participation.
  • Stroyls, S.B. 1987. Population trends of birds as evidenced by Illinois Christmas Bird Counts: 1966-1985. M.A. Thesis, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale IL. Pop. Dynamics.
  • Svensson, S. 1992. Winter bird count including Christmas and New Year. Var Fagelvard 51(7-8):16. Methods.
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