
Tomás Altamirano

National Plan for the Conservation of Birds - Coordinator

Tomás Altamirano (PhD) is the Coordinator for the National Plan for the Conservation of Birds, as part of the strategy being developed alongside Chile’s Ministry of Environment. 

Tomás studied forestry sciences and obtained his PhD degree and postdoctoral fellowship in bird ecology and conservation. He has focused his work on the interface between applied ecology research and conservation management/planning, aiming to contribute to a sustainable development in a rapid-changing world. To date, his work translates into 28 scientific articles, one book, six book chapters. National Bird Conservation Strategies are critical is we are to mainstream birds into national development agendas as outlined in ̽ѡ Americas Business Plan.  

Articles by Tomás Altamirano

Moustached Turca (Pteroptochos megapodius)
Colaboración y conservación: ¿cómo avanza la ENCA en Chile?
April 01, 2024 — El tiempo vuela. A principios de este 2024 celebramos dos años de la oficialización de la Estrategia Nacional de Conservación de Aves en Chile (ENCAChile). Junto a otras 24 instituciones, ̽ѡ ha colaborado con su visión estratégica, financiamiento y experiencia a la implementación de la ENCA, que hoy ya evidencia resultados.