Purple Finches aren’t purple, and House Finches don’t stick to houses. But that’s only the start of the confusion around these two doppelgangers. A red and brown bird at your feeder might be either one throughout much of the United States. So how can we tell them apart? First, consult a map. House Finches are common and widespread across most of North America, including Hawaii. Meanwhile, Purple Finches nest in Canada, along the Pacific, and in the Northeast. In winter they migrate as far south as Florida, but they don't typically visit the Interior West at any time of year. To see each bird's range, visit our online field guide, or download our free 探花精选 bird guide app. Even experts get flummoxed by finches, but don’t despair. With a little practice, you can learn the clearest field marks for each of these species. Click or tap on the dots on the photos and let them guide you. House Finch Purple Finch A few more notes: Color is...