Crude oil washes ashore in Orange Beach, Alabama. Dave Martin/AP

BP Oil Spill

When oil spills, birds suffer. Years after the worst marine spill in U.S. history, that's still painfully clear.
An oiled Brown Pelican rests after being cleaned at the Fort Jackson Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana, during the 2010 BP spill. Joel Sartore

The Birds of British Petroleum

Five years after the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry, the author of The Tarball Chronicles grabs his binoculars and returns to the scene of the slime.

Thousands of mile of oil and gas canals have altered fragile Gulf marshes and allowed saltwater to penetrate coastal wetlands. A football field-size chunk of wetlands vanishes into open water almost every hour. Michel Varisco

Restoring the Gulf Coast

In a strange twist of fate, the biggest oil spill in U.S. history may end up saving the South鈥檚 wetlands and coastlines鈥攊f we make the right choices.

Deepwater Horizon: the Enemy Is Us
Deepwater Horizon: the Enemy Is Us

The award-winning film The Great Invisible airs on PBS for the fifth anniversary of the largest spill in U.S. history.