Each year, one of the most important events in every bird's life goes largely unnoticed by even the most dedicated birders. There is good reason: Molting—the replacement of old, worn feathers with fresh plumes—is typically a slow and subtle process, making it hard to detect. But for some species, including many feeder visitors and common park residents, the transformation is awkward and obvious. Scroll on to see 10 shining examples of birds in ungraceful transition. Feel free to laugh, but have some empathy for all of these ragamuffins: Molting is an essential life event that demands lots of energy, and birds are more vulnerable during the process. If you’re lucky enough to spot molting birds in the wild, give them plenty of space—and help them out by keeping your feeders full. 13786 Northern Cardinal While molting is usually a feather-by-feather affair, Northern Cardinals sometimes drop their head plumes all at once, leaving them shockingly exposed. Though their...