A total of 124 CBCs was conducted in New England this season that was punctuated by such notable sightings and record-breaking totals as 62 Great Shearwaters, 27 Great Egrets, seven Ospreys, a Stilt Sandpiper, 16 Pomarine Jaegers, 72 Common Murres, 16 Atlantic Puffins, four Northern Rough-winged Swallows, a Spotted Towhee, a Le Conte’s Sparrow, and an Indigo Bunting. All together a total of 226 species was recorded in the Region, plus count-week Forster’s Tern and MacGillivray’s Warbler. Considering some of these robust numbers and remarkable species at least one of the ways to account for them is to acknowledge the 3711 field observers who contributed 10,072.31 party-hours in locating, counting, and documenting them. Additionally it’s worth pointing out that these same observers traveled 54,831.92 party-miles in their quest to find as many species as possible in New England on their respective count days. Most of the count period was blessed with precipitation-free...