Last week Center Parcs UK let its Twitter feed go to the birds. During what it called #RealTweetWeek, the company, which operates five resorts in England, tweeted birdsongs recorded at its forests and challenged people to identify the species in them. The sound clips were collected by Parcs’ rangers, who manage 2,000 acres of woods and conduct biodiversity surveys on the properties with local wildlife trusts. The week began with a “Dawn Chorus,” featuring many of the birds visitors can expect to wake up to on a typical morning at a Center Parcs’ resort. Tweets showcasing individual songs and species, like Blue, Coal, and Long-tailed tits, the Chaffinch, and the European Robin, soon followed. In all, 13 recordings have been released. Mike Hill, a conservation ranger with Center Parcs, says the inspiration behind the campaign came from the many visitors who remark on the abundance of birdsongs in the forests compared to what they hear around their homes. “We thought...