Boreal Forests

A red bird with gray wings sits on the branch with green spiky pine needles. A Pine Grosbeak sits on a branch. Doug Kliewer/探花精选 Photography Awards
How We Can Work Together to Build a Vision to Address Climate Change
April 16, 2021 — The Leaders Summit on Climate is the perfect opportunity to recommit to birds and people and the places we all need.
A white goose with upraised white wings with black wingtips is about to land on the ground.
釕册搰釗囜懖釕曖惂釔佱搨釕曖挭釔 釕拫釕册挜釘
April 13, 2021
A white goose with upraised white wings with black wingtips is about to land on the ground.
Our Connection to a Great Inland Sea
April 13, 2021 — 釕册搰釗囜懖釕曖惂釔佱搨釕曖挭釔 釕拫釕册挜釘
Honoring David Schindler, a Champion of the Boreal Forest
March 11, 2021 — Schindler was a consummate biologist/ecologist who viewed Western science and Indigenous knowledge as essential companions.
Keeping Track of These Boreal Nomads Is Notoriously Difficult
March 02, 2021 — The irregular irruptions of winter finches inspire both delight and bewilderment among migration scientists.
Count the Boreal Birds That Connect Us
February 12, 2021 — The Great Backyard Bird Count will help us understand how bird populations are faring in the boreal forest, and across the globe.
National Leaders Sign a Much-Needed Pledge for Birds and Nature
October 01, 2020 — At the United Nations Biodiversity Summit, seventy-five world leaders dedicated their countries to a new higher level of support for nature conservation.
New Report Highlights the Importance of the Seal River Watershed
September 28, 2020 — The area is a critically important breeding and migratory stopover for huge numbers of waterfowl, including Common Goldeneye and Black Scoter.
A New Study Shows What It Will Take to Reverse Biodiversity Declines
September 17, 2020 — Indigenous stewardship of land in Canada, Alaska, and beyond are key to reaching biodiversity goals.
New Study: Boreal Forest Is Key to Reaching Biodiversity and Climate Goals
September 16, 2020 — Many globally important places for biodiversity and climate, including the boreal forest, are being conserved by Indigenous governments.